Harold Wilf C’40 GM’49 (see Class of 1940).įreda Warhaftig Brod CW’39, Tampa, FL, a writer, director, and producer of children’s plays for Tampa Community Theater Jan. One daughter is Eileen Wilf Ufberg CW’69, and three grandchildren are Dr.
Samuel Wilf W’38, Merion Station, PA, retired founder and owner of a chair company Jan. Gordon C’92 and Jennifer Gordon Ford C’95 GEd’96. Gordon C’57 L’60 and his grandchildren are Thomas M. At Penn, he was a member of the wrestling team. He served in the US Army during World War II.
Herbert Brener W’38 L’41, Wynnewood, PA, a retired attorney and member of the Philadelphia Bar Association for 65 years Feb.